Core Values

Our social fabric’s guiding threads

  • Transformative Relationships

    People with whom you can be your full self. You bring care and authenticity; it is reciprocated.

    Friendships where you are supported, inspired, and held accountable to grow into who you aim to be.

    Virtue Friendships where you bond over spending quality time through meaningful, memorable experiences.

  • Co-Creative Joy

    Our spaces and interactions are filled with laughter, curiosity, fun, and exploration. We seek to build flourishing personal lives and center gratitude collectively.

    While we believe growth can come from new or uncomfortable experiences, our emphasis on an “opt-in” culture helps members actively choose experiences that are supportive and enjoyable.

  • Imaginative Justice

    Rooting our Commitment to Equity in all we do. Imagining and growing towards a more equitable future.

    Imaginative Justice, our equity framework, both acknowledges systemic harms while collaboratively creating new realities - big or small - that support, nourish, and uplift us all together