Our equity framework is called
Co-Creative Imaginative Justice

Co-Creative Imaginative Justice both acknowledges systemic harms while collaboratively creating new realities, big or small, that support, nourish, and uplift those most at the margins. 

This framework’s creation process, written language, and research synthesis was stewarded by Co-Creator & Equity Facilitator Chandler Phillips, MSW Student

This is an evolving Commitment.

We embark in this process of learning, reflection, and imagination together. As this community grows, our commitment to equity should also evolve to best serve all with whom we interact.

It is with care, love and gratefulness we do this work together.

Our Framework

Co-Creative Imaginative Justice

the lens in which we view the entirety of this work

Co-Creative Imaginative Justice both acknowledges systemic harms while collaboratively creating new realities, big or small, that support, nourish, and uplift those most at the margins. 

This includes, but is not limited to, Black, Indigenous, POC, disabled, trans, neurodiverse, queer, womxn, low socioeconomic status, and immigrant persons. We name these communities in order to be transparent and explicit with who has been historically and systemically harmed as well as to acknowledge the hope, creativity and resilience these communities create each day. 

In this framework, imagination acts as a practice that empowers freedom, moving away from a mindset of ‘what is’ to a vision of ‘what can be.’

Co-creation recognizes that each of us has a role in this work and when we think, dream and build together the possibilities for new realities abound

Some questions we ask ourselves:

  • Who is missing from this co-creation and how will we invite them in?

  • What barriers exist for those not involved to enter into this process? How can we use our positionality to mitigate these obstacles?

  • What does a vision for this decision look like that is not tethered to current limitations?

  • How is critical hope being centered in this conversation/project/community?

This framework’s creation process, written language, and research synthesis was stewarded by Co-Creator & Equity Facilitator Chandler Phillips, MSW Student